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Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts | 501 S. Sapodilla Ave, WPB, FL 33401


  • Senior Vocal Concert at 6:30 p.m. in Meyer Hall: Feb. 13
  • PTSO General Meeting at 10:30 a.m.: Feb. 11
  • Boys Volleyball Tryouts: Feb. 10
Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts | 501 S. Sapodilla Ave, WPB, FL 33401


Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts | 501 S. Sapodilla Ave, WPB, FL 33401


Shane McVan

Shane McVan, Sports Editor

Communications senior Shane McVan is the current sports edior and it is his third year on The Muse. He is also the business editor of Seeds Literary Arts Magazine. In his free time, He trains mixed martial arts and loves football. McVan in the future plans on receiving a job in the communication arts department as a sports broadcaster and journalist.

All content by Shane McVan
Visual senior Aaron Crawford wins the opening tip off against Florida Atlantic University High School (FAUHS) to get the game started. The Dreyfoos Jaguars would receive the first possession in a game that they have highly anticipated after beating FAUHS last year.

Basketball Recap 12/12

Shane McVan, Sports Editor
December 12, 2017
Communications senior Riley O'Connor drives in for a layup.

Boys Basketball Game Update

Shane McVan, Sports Staffer
December 9, 2016
Fantasy Football Fillers Week 11

Fantasy Football Fillers Week 11

Shane McVan, Sports Staffer
November 15, 2016
Fantasy Football Fillers Week 8

Fantasy Football Fillers Week 8

Shane McVan, Sports Staffer
November 2, 2016
Fantasy Football Fillers Week 6

Fantasy Football Fillers Week 6

Shane McVan, Sports Staffer
October 18, 2016
Fantasy Football Fillers Week 4

Fantasy Football Fillers Week 4

Shane McVan, Sports Staffer
October 4, 2016
Fantasy Football Fillers Week 3

Fantasy Football Fillers Week 3

Shane McVan, Sports Staffer
September 27, 2016
Former Royal Palm Beach High School golf coach and new math teacher Matthew Vaughan will head the girls golf team this year.  "I have a love for sports, a love to help kids and especially for golf," Mr. Vaughan said. "I love to be on the course."

Coach’s Corner: Matthew Vaughan

Shane McVan, Sports Staffer
August 26, 2016
(L-R) Visual junior Aaron Nisbett, communications junior Elliot Hacker, vocal freshman Jaylen Thompson, band sophomore Adam Freedman, band junior Derrek Brown, social studies teacher and Basketball Coach Jeffery Stohr, and social studies teacher and Athletic Director Ross Vening recognize members of the basketball team for their accomplishments this season.

2016 Dreyfoos Athletic Banquet

Shane McVan, Sports Staffer
May 17, 2016
Communications junior Makoa Beck sprints to the the finish line in the 100 meter dash event at the district track and field meet held at Suncoast High School.

Track and Field Districts Update

Shane McVan, Sports Staffer
April 21, 2016
(Before) Beck flexes for the camera at his house after a workout in eighth grade. (After) Beck flexes his arms and obliques in Building 3.

Making a difference through fitness

Shane McVan, Sports Staffer
April 13, 2016
Piano senior Alex O’Brien goes through her normal warmups during a practice.
“[Practice helped] districts go as I predicted. Most of us won our first match easily and lost the second,” O’Brien said. “During practice, my teammates [were] helpful with drills and giving me advice on my form.”

Tennis district update

Shane McVan, Sports Staffer
April 1, 2016
Practice over Winter Break

Practice over Winter Break

Shane McVan, Sports Staffer
January 8, 2016
Communications junior Oscar Hamilton (left), visual sophomore Aaron Crawford (middle), and band junior Derek Brown (right) defend against the opposing team Donna Klein Jewish Academy in a game on Dec. 7 that featured a 64-60 Dreyfoos win in their home court.

Boys Basketball Game Update

Shane McVan, Sports Staffer
December 7, 2015

Boys basketball tryouts 2015-2016

Shane McVan, Sports Staffer
October 27, 2015
This golf season, coach Sara Stout
has been giving quizzes on the rules and regulations of golf to
improve her players knowledge of the sport.

Testing During Tee Time

Shane McVan, Sports Staffer
September 16, 2015
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