Strings sophomore Mikel Rollet balanced two Starbursts as he walked across the field during Gumball on a Spoon. Originally, the competition was to balance gumballs on a spoon; however a student ate the gumballs, and the gumballs were replaced with Starbursts.
From Fourth of July to Mardi Gras, the Dreyfoos community celebrated Holiday Day on the second day of Spirit Week. Each grade was assigned a holiday to dress up as and events took place on the field during lunch. Freshmen dressed as Fourth of July, the sophomores were St. Patrick’s Day, juniors dressed as Valentine’s Day, and seniors were Mardi Gras. The lunch events began with the frozen shirt contest in which students thrashed frozen shirts upon the ground. Other events included Gumball on a Spoon and Hula Hoop competition.
“It was the dream team. None of us had any idea what we were doing, but we ended up winning,” theatre sophomore Olivia Troast said. Troast was part of the team that helped the sophomores win the Hula Hoop competition.
“I was not surprised [that someone ate the gumballs that were supposed to be used to compete in the spoon and gumball race],” theatre sophomore Olivia Morley said. The freshman won the Gumball and Spoon race.
“It was a lot of fun, I didn’t expect it to be so hype, but I loved playing and watching the games. Also, just being with my friends and having a good time together was a lot of fun,” communications freshman Emilia Boulon said. “I really liked how everyone was so enthusiastic for their class to win. The seniors definitely had the most involvement as far as how many of them dressed up and how loud they screamed to cheer on their class. Overall, everyone really came together to support their class and I thought it was so cool.”
The upperclassmen won in tug-of-war, with the freshman class literally getting swept away and the sophomore class having the rope pulled from their hands.
Current Point Standings:
Freshmen: 11
Sophomores: 16
Juniors: 19
Seniors: 22
Current Ticket Standings:
Freshmen: 208
Sophomores: 242
Juniors: 345
Seniors: 368