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Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts | 501 S. Sapodilla Ave, WPB, FL 33401


  • Senior Vocal Concert at 6:30 p.m. in Meyer Hall: Feb. 13
  • PTSO General Meeting at 10:30 a.m.: Feb. 11
  • Boys Volleyball Tryouts: Feb. 10
Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts | 501 S. Sapodilla Ave, WPB, FL 33401


Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts | 501 S. Sapodilla Ave, WPB, FL 33401


Jack Yan

Jack Yan, News Editor

Communications senior Jack Yan is a third-year staffer and the News Editor on The Muse. He not only writes the news but has an unhealthy obsession with reading it; but he aspires in life to do more than read or write the news, he wants to be in the news. He is actively involved in his school and his community. For example, Yan is the current Co-President of the Dreyfoos SGA, interns at Harrington Law Associates, an international law firm based in South Florida, and serves on the West Palm Beach Education Advisory Committee for the Mayor of West Palm. In addition, he is Co-Captain of the Speech and Debate team where he has won local, state, and national awards. Most importantly, however, Yan loves puppies, kittens, colorful socks, dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets, and pancakes.

All content by Jack Yan
Students and teachers alike crowd into the gym for Dreyfoos’ annual Club Rush held this year on Sept. 20.

Club Rush

Jack Yan, News Editor
September 20, 2016
Strings junior Sarah King (left) and dance junior Jordan Wohl laugh in celebration after winning Human Hungry, Hungry Hippos, a new addition to Spirit Week Field events.

Spirit Week Day 2: Class Clique Day

Jack Yan, News Editor
January 26, 2016
This image shows an early computer model forecasting the chances of a windy, strong sleet-snow storm hitting the East Coast this weekend.

A Week in Review 1/22

Jack Yan, News Editor
January 22, 2016
The tree trimming crew has been working on clearing out the remains of the tree near Building 1.

Tree Trimmers Bring New Changes

Jack Yan, News Editor
December 16, 2015
Students can find flyers, plastered around campus, advertising the upcoming pizza sales that will take place throughout the rest of this week.

De-stress with Soda and a Slice

Jack Yan, News Editor
December 15, 2015
In 2016 will be the 33rd annual Pathfinder Scholarship Awards where students compete within various categories to ultimately win scholarships worth thousands of dollars.

2016 Pathfinder Nominees

Jack Yan, News Editor
December 11, 2015
Taking a selfie with the coke cart, theatre senior Marshall Tobias (L-R) and band senior Daniel Stern compete in the National Honor Society's (NHS) first social event. The event featured a scavenger hunt requiring participants to solve clues that led them to a specific location where they took a selfie.

First NHS Social

Jack Yan, News Editor
November 11, 2015
Theatre senior Alyssa Gates talks to a representative of Tulane University at Dreyfoos’ College Fair on Oct. 7. The fair 
was held in the gym from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and over 70 colleges were represented.

Dreyfoos rushes the College Fair

Jack Yan, News Editor
October 9, 2015
Students crowd the hallways during lunch on the first day of school.

1 Down 179 to Go

Jack Yan, News Editor
August 17, 2015
The Permanent Five Members of the UN Security Council, Germany, and Iran achieved a nucelar deal on July 13. The deal is based on a framework released Apr 2.

7/17 Weekly News Update

Jack Yan, News Editor
July 17, 2015
No Child Left Behind was originally passed under President George W. Bush administration.

7/10-Weekly News Update

Jack Yan, News Editor
July 10, 2015
Dancers perform a modern piece in honor of Miss J.

Students Come Together For Miss J

Jack Yan, News Editor
April 14, 2015
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